The Adventures of Vicky Doll

The Adventures of Vicky was one of those part-works magazine series that were everywhere in the 1990s - you know the type, you collect them all until you have a whole collection of trinkets or can build the model the TV ad promised you. (I used to get Dinosaurs!, though my T-Rex model was forever missing the part from the week we missed...) The good thing about Vicky was that you could dip in and out of collecting as it suited you.
Published by Fabbri, the magazine was released fortnightly and priced at £3.50 which was on the more expensive side for the time. Argos were selling a pack of four generic fashion doll outfits for £3.99 that year, for example, or eight Barbie branded outfits for £9.99. Issue One, released in 1991, included a Vicky doll in her safari adventure outfit. The series ran for 26 issues and was successful enough for Fabbri to begin publishing it, from the beginning, in New Zealand in 1993.
Subsequent issues had a tie in outfit for the adventure Vicky went on in the magazine. Check out Jade's Toys' album on Flickr to see photographs of the doll dressed in each outfit.
#1. Vicky on Safari.

This picture comes from an Ebay listing, showing how the doll was packaged. Monkfish's Dolly Ramble blog has a good review of the Vicky doll itself.
#2. Jobs People Do - Vicky at the Stables.
#3. Time Traveller - Vicky in Tudor England.
#4. Jobs People Do - Vicky at Ballet School.
#5. Science and Nature - Vicky on a Coral Reef.
#6. Countries of the World - Vicky in Spain.
#7. Time Traveller - Vicky in the Wild West.
#8. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Gymnast.
#9. Science and Nature - Vicky in the Rainforest.
#10. Countries of the World - Vicky in India.
#11. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Journalist.
#12. Time Traveller - Vicky in Ancient Rome.
#13. Science and Nature - Vicky in a National Park.
#14. Science and Nature - Vicky at a Space Centre.
#15. Jobs People Do - Vicky is an Actress.
#16. Countries of the World - Vicky in Switzerland.
#17. Jobs People Do - Vicky Meets the Firefighters.
#18. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Pop Star.
#19. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Vet.
#20. Time Traveller - Vicky Meets King Arthur.
#21. Time Traveller - Vicky is a Pilot.
#22. Time Traveller - Vicky in Russia.
#23. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Chef.
#24. Jobs People Do - Vicky is a Stuntgirl.
#25. Jobs People Do - Vicky Meets the Doctors.
#26. Countries of the World - Vicky in Japan.
You could also get ring binders for the magazines:

And a carry case for the doll and her outfits:

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