Steps Dolls


Steps are a British pop band formed back in 1997 after auditions were held to create an act to front line dance classic 5, 6, 7, 8. A string of top ten hits followed, which lead to Yaboom / Vivid Imaginations creating collectable fashion dolls for them in 2000.

There was a basic line, a line of singing dolls, and then in 2001 a second wave of singing dolls - this time performing 'Tragedy'. Also, Vivid Imaginations, who had the Sindy licence at the time released a 'Steps Crazy Sindy' doll in 2000.

Vivid Imaginations Steps Dolls

Basic Dolls - 2000

 ★ H - box front / box back.
 ★ Faye - box front / box back.
 ★ Lisa (*note above picture shows singing doll) - box front / box back.
 ★ Claire - box front / box back.
 ★ Lee - box front / box back.

Steps Fashion Dolls by Yaboom

Steps Singing Fashion Dolls
Singing Dolls - 2000

 ★ Faye - box frontbox back.
 ★ Lee - box front / box back.
 ★ Lisa - box front / box back.
 ★ Claire - box front / box back.
 ★ H - box front / box back.

Steps Yaboom DollsSteps Tragedy Singing Dolls

Steps Yaboom Doll 2001Steps Tragedy Singing Dolls

Singing Dolls - 2001

 ★ Faye - box front / box back.
 ★ Claire - box front / box back.
 ★ Lisa - box front / box back.

For whatever reason the boys didn't get a look in this time around!

Steps Crazy Sindy box frontSteps Crazy Sindy box back

Steps Crazy Sindy - 2000


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